martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Mi Cumpleaños

The day of my birthday was on August 3 that day some friends and I decided to join all others to buy (bread, meat, sauces, drinks, etc..) to make hamburgers in the evening we went to the avenue to buy what we needed to prepare and we all got together andprepare the burgers, then connect a bugle to listen and talk
Then at night we went to a party that was prepared with the neighbors to celebrate thebirthday of a neighbor who met the same day as me. At the party met the closestfriends and neighbors in the party there was music, karaoke, food, beverages, etc.After the party ended at two o'clock and everyone went home

Cuento Ingles con los 10 verbos

True friends
In the Central University of Venezuela studied four friends, John, Joseph, Mary and Paula the four studies in medical school, the four had to deliver a very important job that depended on the vast majority of the final grade, the four had to think about how going to present the work and how to give a report to the teacher. The four were to meet in the library for the job but Joe forgot the meeting that had he and his friends the next day John, Mary and Paula were annoying to ask for an explanation of why Joseph was not at the meeting Library, Joseph responded with a smile and told them heforgot. 
John said annoyed that should investigate the issues that touch as soon as possible José replied yes, but regardless the days passed and Joseph was not going to meetings to work with friends and always responded to his friends who I forgot, he approached the work day to submit, and Jose was not doing anything. 
One day Paula was to claim to Joseph for not attending meetings or doing nothing at work, Paula told Joseph he could not continue living like this, doing nothing and leave everything to the last minute, Joseph said he did not care selflessly what she or her friends say, she told him she had done in the presentation of the work, he said he would guess what was going to say in the presentation of work. 
Came the day of the presentation of the work and John, Mary and Paul were ready to defend his work, but Joseph was not prepared for anything because I had not studied or prepared anything for the job, by presenting John, Mary and Paula took a good rating But Joseph did not pass the test and was in danger of losing the half but his friends interfered by former teachers and got to give him one last chance to resubmit work John, Mary and Paula helped him to prepare the presentation of work , came the day of submission of Jose but this time Joseph was prepared and presented a good job and was one of the best note in the presentation of work. Joseph at the end to defend his work he thanked his friends and he apologized for not having done anything to help and had already learned the lesson that is never loose anything.
Verbs utilized
1.      Studies
2.      Think
3.      Forget
4.      Guess
5.      Should
6.      Live
7.      Give
8.      Smile
9.      Investigate
10.  Work

Traducción del párrafo pagina 181

En los mercados globales de hoy, los clientes necesitan una información clara acerca de la amplia oferta de productos a su disposición. Los productores y los fabricantes también necesitan información para que puedan ofrecer a los clientes lo que necesitan.

Estudios de marketing de las tendencias en la moda y también se divide el mercado potencial en diferentes grupos según edad, sexo, condición social, hábitos de compra, etc Esto se conoce como la segmentación del mercado. Los resultados de este estudio de mercado a los productores y fabricantes de una idea clara de qué producir (concepción y desarrollo de productos), la forma de promocionar el producto (la promoción), ¿cuánto será el precio? (de precios) y la forma de paquete (embalaje).La combinación de todos estos elementos hace que el plan de marketing de la compañía.

El objetivo de la publicidad para informar a la opinión pública que un determinado producto y no uno similar está disponible. Los medios de comunicación la publicidad no conocen límites. Solían ser sólo los periódicos, revistas, Televisión, radio, vallas publicitarias, folletos.
Idea Principal
La ideas principal es que en los mercados globales los clientes necesitan una información clara y precisa de todos los productos que están a su disposición pero también los productores o fabricantes necesitan saber cuál es el mejor producto  con mas demanda que puedan ofrecerle a los clientes
Idea Secundaria
La idea secundaria es que sean hechos estudio de varios productos y se clasificaron por (edad, sexo, condición social y hábitos de compra) y se realiza la publicidad para informar a la opinión pública que cualquier producto está disponible para la compra por medio de (periódicos, revista, radio, televisión, radios, vallas, etc)

1.      Global
2.      Information
3.      Products
4.      Studies
5.      Divide
6.      Segmentation
7.      Social
8.      Results
9.      Produce
10.  Conception
11.  Public
12.  Elements
13.  Combination
14.  Radio
15.  television
Falsos Comnados
1.      Producers
2.      Picture

Cuento Ingles

lost in the woods
It was once a family lived in the mountains, Jesus the son of Julia and Peter was very disobedient to their parents, Jesus liked to play in the woods behind his house but his father told him not to play there because could lose or be attacked by an animal but Jesus did not care what his father told him. One day Jesus' parents went to work and Jesus was left alone in the house, her parents warned her not to leave the forest they had seen prowling the area associated Jesus said he would not leave his father and believed him were, Jesus waits for his father to leave and went to play in the forest while ignoring the warnings of their parents and being exposed to the dangers of the forest. 
Jesus went into the woods to play as he always did, without straying far from the house, but this time decided to see what was inside the forest and away from home Jesus went into the forest until I can not see his house then realized he was lost but I keep calm and decided to walk to find the way back but the more I walked away from his most home after being lost for two hours began to despair and walk in circles, at nightfall Jesus still 
was lost in the woods. Julia and Peter wounds of work and were surprised that Jesus was not at home then I looked inside and outside the house, after searching for a while they noticed that Jesus was lost in the forest. 
Julia and Peter decided to seek help for his son, while Jesus was lost in the forest, the hours passed and the morning, when Jesus woke up and decided to walk to find his way home after an hour of walking Jesus stumbled upon a bear and remembered what his father told him, that he had a bear roaming the area, seeing the bear Jesus was paralyzed with fright. Bear and Jesus stared intently for a few seconds, the bear decided to get closer but Jesus could not move and he was paralyzed from fear at a time when Jesus and the bear were at just a few inches the other, then the bear got upon two legs to attack Jesus, Jesus fell to the ground but could do nothing because I was terrified when the bear was about to attack Jesus heard a shot and a second bear was killed by a shot in the head. 
Then Jesus opened her eyes and saw that it was a hunter and ollo bean from the grunts of the bear, the hunter helped Jesus to come home, when Jesus arrived he saw his father and ran to hug, after being embraced by a while Jesus promised that never again going to disobey and was not going to play more inside the forest. 

martes, 5 de abril de 2011

oraciones de passive voice y active voice

Active Voice - Passive Voice
1. Juan buy a car in Caracas
R : A car is bought by Juan in Caracas
2. Pedro eat a meat in the restaurant
R: A meat is eaten by Pedro in the restaurant
3. Maria get out a night
R: A night is gotten out Maria
4: Jose practiced futbol in the field
R: In the field was practiced futbol jose
5. Luis wash the car to the shop
R: The car is washed to the shop by luis

Passive Voice - Active Voice 
1. In the company is worked as a secretary maria
R: Maria works as a secretary in the company
2. In the bar was danced salsa by kelly
R: Kelly danced salsa in the bar
3. A chicken is esten by juan
R: Juan eat chicken
4. A letter was written by maria
R: Maria wrote a letter
5. A bakery in stolen by luis
R: Luis steal a bakery 

10 oraciones en passive voice

1. My house is painted by carlos
2. A chicken is eaten by juan
3. A car are made by in Valencia
4. A car is bought by juan in caracas
5. The door of the house is opened by peter
6. A bakery is stolen by luis
7. The food at the restaurant was ordered by Maria
8. The lottery is won by juana
9. a letter was written by carlos
10. America was discovered by cristabal colon

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Normas del buen Hablante y del buen Oyente

Normas del buen hablante 
1. Expresarse en forma clara y sencilla.
2. Mirar a las personas con quien se habla.
3. Utilizar un tono de voz adecuado.
4. Pronunciar correctamente las palabras.

Las Normas del buen oyente
1. Mirar a los ojos al hablante.
2. Atender a lo que dice.
3. Evitar interrumpir al hablante.
4. Esperar que el hablante termine, para responder.

Esta información proviene de esta pagina: